Dear Coach with Tom Ferry
Illustration by Lanette Behiry/Adobe Stock

Dear Coach: Tom Ferry's top lead-gen strategy 

Coaching expert Tom Ferry talks about what to expect from a coaching session and why more agents should embrace video.

December 8, 2023
2 minutes

Need some life advice? You've got friends for that. Looking to grow your business? Turn to one of the most trusted names in real estate coaching. Tom Ferry is here to offer practical tips — and maybe a pep talk — to get you moving in the right direction. If you have a question for Tom, email us, and it may be featured in a future column.

What happens in a typical coaching session?

One of the best things about one-on-one coaching is that everyone is different, and every one of our coaches will tailor each session to that person's needs. That said, there are some constants.

We typically talk about wins for the week, what was accomplished, and what wasn't — and why not. Then we move on to next week's goals and any blockers or challenges we need to figure out together. At different points in the year, we take a step back for a bigger picture look at where the agent is headed and where they stand with their long-term goals.

A coach takes many forms — accountability partner, strategic guide, enforcer, encourager and more — so whatever's needed at that moment takes precedence.

What's the most underutilized or overlooked lead gen strategy that more agents should be using?

One word: video. You might say, "Tom, it's not 2017. Agents are creating tons of videos now." 

True, but most agents haven't fully committed to using video to its full potential. When you do — by using video in personalized texts, on social media, in updates to your clients — it clearly differentiates you as a forward-thinking agent. And you build rapport and gain trust so much faster!

Our top marketing coach Jason Pantana has a great line: "Everything that can be video should be video."

Don't just remember it… live it! Take a look at all of your communications and think about how they could be converted to video. Then do it! (And good news… AI now makes it easier than ever to create and edit your videos!)

Tom Ferry is the founder and CEO of Ferry International, a leading real estate coaching and training company. He has more than 35,000 hours of coaching experience and works daily to help agents and brokers grow a prosperous business while simultaneously balancing — and loving — their personal lives. The views expressed in this column are solely those of the author.

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